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On God

I grew up in a very religious environment and recently I have been thinking about how that has affected my adult life. I know this sounds ridiculous to a lot of people, but I do consider myself a spiritual person, and I have deep respect for people that choose to follow a life of spiritual or religious practices. I have had a share of convincing experiences related to this topic throughout my life, which have caused me to hold on to the possibility of God or a God-like entity.

There are certain things you can “feel” about people, places, and the world, that can’t be explained but you can sense a deep instinctual truth to it. This is not a topic that I am open for debating, as this topic can mean very different things to different people.

I am very interested in further studying this topic of spirituality and religion. I think we need to acknowledge how religion has been used a way to manipulate the masses and divide populations to justify war, racism, homophobia, sexism, etc. Ultimately, I believe religion can also be a source of community, resilience, and fulfillment.

I do not believe in institutional heriarchies in religion.

What does it mean to be a spiritual person? For me, it means to resign the idea that we are simply just flesh and bones and that there might be a totally different dimension to “existence” that we are not aware of [right now]. It also means to live in constant reminder of death, which fuels the desire to keep living and gain new experiences and knowledge in life. I am much more than my physical body and my idea of “self” is separate from my body and mind. I know this might not mean the same thing to everyone, this is just how I feel.

Enriching your soul can be achieved in many different ways… music, art, meditation, community service, and much moire. Spiritual enrichment does not have to come through a traditional religious route. All spiritual avenues arrive to the same, shared principles of love and unity. Different interpretations of that truth are scattered across different areas of human history.

Here are some resources that are compatible with my view about this subject:

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